Please proceed with the website only and only if you agree with these terms.
- Our sole work here is to get an article written on your behalf and getting it published on blogs according to the DA package you have selected. We charge for the work involved in reaching out to the relevant bloggers, writing the content and getting the article published (with client’s link) and not for the link itself as we are not the owner of the blogs where the articles are published.
- The writers we work with provide quality content that is well researched. However, they are not the experts in the subject field. It should be understood that no one can be an expert of everything. Thus, we will not be liable for facts or information they have mistakenly written. (However, in such case, we will be happy to correct the article, only in case blogger allows us to do so.)
- Though, all our blog posts are dofollow for lifetime. We will also not be liable in case blogger changes links from dofollow to nofollow after 4-months.
- Though, all our blog posts are permanent but in case blogger removes a blog post after 4-months we won’t be liable for it.
- We won’t be liable in case the blogger sells his website to new owner and the new owner decides to remove blog posts, remove the client links or turn the links from dofollow to nofollow.
- In case we are not able to get the placement you ordered, we will refund in full.
- We have right to change our terms and conditions anytime without any notification.