Category: Guest Post

Guest Post

A Complete Guide to Guest Blogging

Your business has a content marketing plan—but do you have an effective link building strategy? Guest blogging is writing and publishing content on a website other than your own. It is a practical tool to build backlinks, reach a wider audience, attract more customers and drive organic traffic. Savvy marketers use guest posts to boost their website’s SEO performance and rank for the right keywords. Here’s everything you need to know to get started with guest posting for your business.

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Guest Post

Benefits of Guest Blogging for Your Business

Smart businesses use their content strategy to be found where people are already looking. But good content doesn’t work without effective link building. You need both for your ideal customers to organically discover your products or services. Upgrade your content strategy with guest blogging! This is a powerful marketing tactic to gain quality backlinks, reach new audiences and drive traffic to your website.

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Guest Post

How Much Should You Pay For A Guest Post to Blogger Outreach Agencies?

I have a long history with guest posts. Till date, I have got thousands of articles published for my clients through blogger outreach. I have been outreaching since 2013 and have built connections with lots of bloggers in all these years. While we do a barter-style trade with most of the bloggers; i.e. we send them top-notch content and they publish our articles (with client’s backlink) in return, however, we also need to pay an editorial review fee to some bloggers for the time they put into publishing our piece. But interestingly, the prices charged by most of the outreach agencies is outrageous. Sometimes they even charge twice or thrice the supposed fee.

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